Account Fees

Overdraft Fee*


Insufficient Funds (NSF) Returned Item Fee*^


 Sustained Overdraft Balance Fee***

$ 5 

Uncollected Funds Paid Item Fee*


Uncollected Funds Returned Item Fee*


Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee


Bond Coupon Collection (per envelope)

As charged by processor

Returned Deposited Item


Cashier's Check Purchases


 Counter Check Purchases (per page)


Research (reconciliation per hour)


Dormant Account (per month)**


Incoming Wire - Domestic


Outgoing Wire - Domestic


Incoming Wire - Foreign


Outgoing Wire - Foreign


Check Book / Check Printing

At Catalog Prices

Returned Deposited Coupons (per envelope)


Stop Payment


Replacement Card


Levy & Lien Processing


Copy of Check (per check)


Special Statement


Savings Account Closed Within 6 Months of Opening


Canadian Item Processing Fee (US$ or Can$)

$25 + Processing Agent Fee

Non-Sturdy ATM Transactions

$ 1

Online Bill Payment

No Fee

Collection Items

Individually Charged

* This fee may be imposed for an item or a transaction created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal or other electronic means.
^ This fee will be imposed for each occurrence even if the item or transaction has already been presented and returned.
** An account becomes dormant after 15 months of inactivity.
*** If your account is overdrawn for 7 or more business days, we will charge an additional $5 per day.